For healthcare professionals

Whether you're a midwife, an obstetrician or a lecturer or doula or other healthcare professional, Fresh Heart has various books which you may find very interesting. We stay in touch with the issues of the day by attending conferences and aim to provide a range of books which will support your practice, research and reflections.

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Birth Pain: Explaining Sensations, Exploring Possibilities

Birth Pain: Explaining Sensations, Exploring Possibilities

A book for midwives who would like to explore how best to help women cope with pain and fear. This book contains information about the physiological and psychological functions of pain; cultural influences on the experience of labour pain; elective...


Optimal Birth: What, Why & How (American edition)

Optimal Birth: What, Why & How (American edition)

A book to help midwives, obstetricians and other health care professionals think through the practicalities of optimizing pregnancies and births. After explaining precisely how 'optimal' is defined, eight reasons are presented to justify why this...


Optimal Birth: What, Why & How (British edition)

Optimal Birth: What, Why & How (British edition)

A book to help midwives and other health care professionals think through the practicalities of optimising pregnancies and births. After explaining precisely how 'optimal' is defined, nine reasons are presented to justify why this kind of birth is...


Promoting Normal Birth: Research, Reflections & Guidelines (UK)

Promoting Normal Birth: Research, Reflections & Guidelines (UK)

An international collaboration of lecturers, practitioners and researchers. Each chapter considers a topic relevant to normalising maternity care. Topics include: routine interventions • epidurals • physiological third and fourth stages • longer...
